The Redemption-Research and Planning, Plot, Title sequence and Edits (individual & group editing)
Stage 3: Group Concept Development
The Redemption
Prostitute witnesses her employer raping her friend, it changes her opinion of being a prostitute; determined to do something about it, she works hard to move up the ranks and become a `tough cop.`
-Misfortune or lack is made known
-Hero is given a new image
-Hero and villian join in direct combat
-Villian is punished
-Task is resolved
Unique Selling Point:
Concept is reversed and leading character is given a higher status as the film progresses.
Stage 4: Mixed Audience Feedback
I have asked 3 adults and 3 teenagers to give me feedbacks;
Audience Type (+what other media films do they like)
Adults: 19-42
1 ="I like media films where the concept includes the existence of an important mission"
2="Movies that have Action-Adventure and Thriller"
3="Films that revolve around true stories"
Why would they pay to see this film?:
1="There is a mission involved (to bring justice for her friend) which I usually like films to have; shows that the film has a morale/purpose
2="It is a film based on a police, so there is bound to be action such as car chasing and near misses and shots"
3="This film is quite emotional but realistic (real word problems) and I would like to see how the villain is punished for his crime"
Why wouldn't they?:
1="It may be a slow paced film as it progresses from her being a prostitute to a cop"
2="It may not actually contain unrealistic Action as it is about a cop instead of a superhero. Also the film is not Action-Adventure based e.g. discovering a secret Island or entering a world full of dinosaurs."
3="The way the issue may be solved may be simple, such as just arresting the antagonist"
Feedbacks+Comments received
1 =" I love films which are based on comic characters such as Batman or Spider-man"
2="I like to watch horror films which constantly makes me jump and keeps me interested "
3="Film that are based on superhero films such as Marvel or DC comic"
Why would you pay to see this film?:
1="The film has made the hero a female, which challenges the stereotype of most female characters. In most films the male is the hero and the female is the intelligent sidekick or the love interest (admirer)"
2="I like seeing strong and leading females in movies, some examples are Tomb Raider and Resident Evil"
3="I like watching films based on the authorities such as the police force. Examples of films are The Departed and We Own the night
Why wouldn't they?:
1="It may be a very slow paced film"
2="There should be more crimes involved for Rosie to try and take down the antagonist, e.g. Drugs being sold in the alleyway, near where she use to work"
3="The film should have more than one cop; there should at least be a sidekick such as another cop working aside and helping Rosie."
Action-what could you change to attract this audience:
The antagonist of the film could be a major drug lord and gangster instead of just being a usual male criminal. This would make the film and action more interesting as the protagonist will find it more challenging to arrest and hunt down this major gangster. The heroine will need to fight the antagonist's henchmen and go undercover; so that her life is in less risk and less danger.
Inspirations (from other media):
-`The shield`
-`We own the night`
The Shield
We were inspired by `The Shield.` The movie helped us to portray Rosie as a tough cop; who takes her job seriously and is quite aggressive and intimidating when dealing with criminals (like the lead character/protagonist in `The Shield`)
the `Goodfellas` inspired us to come up with similar antagonist(s) and therefore we represented our antagonist(s) as a crime lord (similar to the mafias from the `Goodfellas)
We own the night
We were inspired by this movie; we presented Rosie as a character who joins the police force after her friend's tragedy. Similarly in `We own the night`-the protagonist is forced to join the police force; he starts of from being an ungrateful guy (who does not take life seriously) to then helping the police. He decides to be a part of the authority (go undercover-just as Rosie does in `The Redemption`) because his family are in danger and his dad and brother (who are both police officers) were attacked and put in critical condition by the mafias.
Stage 5: Final concept
-A prostitute has a child: she chooses to be a prostitute, because she is forced to provide for her child and herself. She also chooses this job because they are financially crumbled and not secure enough. She converts from being a prostitute to a tough cop (after witnessing her friend getting attacked). This angered her and changed her opinion about being a prostitute; she is encouraged to work up the ranks and became a cop. She decides to avenge her friend by trying to kill the attacker (who is also one of the most wanted drug lord in America). However on the way of her journey to catch this criminal and mission as a `vigilante` (her job as an officer is to arrest, not to eliminate). She also encounters a handsome man who she falls in love with, yet he knows very little about her past.
Target Audience+ why would they like it?
This shows the real side to a prostitute's life and realistically how dangerous living this life is. It relates to some real life situations of a prostitute's life; many prostitutes in real life, get killed, abused, beaten and raped (forced-when they refuse). This film shows the harsh portrayal of the possible dangers, prostitutes may face in real life. This is why our target audience would like to see this film, as it shows the realistic side of prostitution and their side of the story (most people think prostitutes are lower class/cheap/promiscuous/have no respect,status or voice). The Redemption's portrayal of prostitute's life are not like other TV media text, which portrays prostitution to be a glamorous life e.g. Diary Of A Call Girl and Pretty women. Furthermore, people who experienced similar situations may also relate to this movie and be encouraged to watch it.
This audience not targeted-Why?
-It may be too sensitive to watch (especially those who went through similar situation)
-The audience may find this unrealistic; a struggling mum who is a prostitute and then suddenly becomes a cop (what will she do about her financial problems during her training?)
-Some audiences such as female viewers may not like the portrayal of a masculine and strong females; because their values and beliefs are that men should be dominant, strong and protectors of the female race.
-Audiences such as some females viewers, may not like the female protagonist to be more focusing and emphasising towards being a cop and fighting crime, rather than focusing on her friend's assault. And how that has effected Rosie (the protagonist) and her friend (the victim). They may also think that it is an unrealistic story; most people who know of someone close to them, who have been attacked, would not become a cop in order to avenge their loved one (who have being raped), instead they would report the assault to the police station and attend to see a councillor with the victim.
Unique Selling Point(s)
-She has two agendas
-She is a vigilante
-She transforms from being a prostitute to a tough cop
Individual plot- Todorov 5 stage structure
The Redemtion
Rosie is a prostitute; who is forced to do this job so that she can provide for her daughter and herself because they are poor.
Rosie witnesses an unknown man who has raped her best friend (she sees through the windows of her room) and when she runs to help her friend, she is too late as her friend has already been attacked. She vows her friend and all those women who have been taken advantage of, the promises of justice!
Rosie changes her mind about being a prostitute and works her way up the rang to be a `tough cop,` However Rosie is a `vigilante` as she believes vindictive criminals should face execution instead of just being arrested and be given a jail sentence. She decides to kill her friend's attacker who she later finds out to be the most wanted drug lord in America (when she goes undercover).
Rosie is stopped by her lover and sidekick (who also once worked for the drug lord before he found out that Rosie is an undercover) from killing the antagonist and they both bust down this illegal activity and gang as well as getting the villain arrested and a jail life sentence.
Rosie is now a cop who believes that no one has the right to kill and is no longer a vigilante, but instead a cop who does her work correctly. Rosie, her child and her boyfriend now live together as a happy family.
Example of 2 of the Uses and Gratification used in The Redemption;
1.Surveillance and Informations-helping the audience to get knowledge about the world and how it works; gives audience information about how the police work, how courts work, how forensic science works. May give audience insight into criminal underworlds and places we don't normally go to-The Redemption shows an insight on the hardship of prostitute's lives (brothel) and the cruelty of criminals (murders and rapes).
2.Entertainment & Diversion-involving audience into solving crime; most of us are not involved in crimes or police work-it is almost like a brain-teaser and a form of escapism from our own lives. Crime dramas also offer action sequences like fights or car chases which are exciting and gripping.
Blocked Plan for Story Plot
The Transformation/The Converted? The Redemption(possible film names)
1. We had some trouble with lighting in the final house scene; the difference between having the lights on and off was very big which led us being unsure as to which to choose. In the end, we choose to keep the lights on to signify that the scene happened later in the day (after the conversation between Bessie and Rosie) at a time when curtains would be closed and the lights would be on.
2. We also had trouble with the first scene (the footage that came before the title appeared) as we found it hard to film in the extremely small twilight period; if it was too bright, it wouldn't signify that the scene happened in the evening, however, if it was too dark our cameras wouldn't be able to pick up the action (a problem which led to the final scene in our 'first edit' being extremely dark). We soon settled on a period that was fairly bright and then edited it in Final Cut to make it seem like it happened in the evening (helped by the 'desaturation' tool)
Inspiration for the use of desaturation came from the film 'Memento.' In the film, the scenes in grayscale are chronologically in order whilst the scenes in colour go backwards. In our title sequence we deliberately made sure that, the first scene takes places after the final scenes; showing a lack of chronology.We did this because it made for a more interesting viewing for audience as they know different events contributed to Bessie being stabbed. This is fits in with the liberal arthouse type of film (which we are aiming for), this is because liberal arthouse viewer enjoy cinema that 'pushes boundaries' and doesn't follow the same conventions, non-linear story lines would fit into the 'pushing boundaries' ethos as it is only incorporated by a few films. It is also fairly demanding of the audience as they're asked to recall events and piece together the chronology in their minds rather than having easily digestible content being given to them, this is another preference of liberal arthouse viewers; content that requires intellect and is thought provoking.
Unique Selling Point(s)
-She has two agendas
-She is a vigilante
-She transforms from being a prostitute to a tough cop
Individual plot- Todorov 5 stage structure
The Redemtion
Rosie is a prostitute; who is forced to do this job so that she can provide for her daughter and herself because they are poor.
Rosie witnesses an unknown man who has raped her best friend (she sees through the windows of her room) and when she runs to help her friend, she is too late as her friend has already been attacked. She vows her friend and all those women who have been taken advantage of, the promises of justice!
Rosie changes her mind about being a prostitute and works her way up the rang to be a `tough cop,` However Rosie is a `vigilante` as she believes vindictive criminals should face execution instead of just being arrested and be given a jail sentence. She decides to kill her friend's attacker who she later finds out to be the most wanted drug lord in America (when she goes undercover).
Rosie is stopped by her lover and sidekick (who also once worked for the drug lord before he found out that Rosie is an undercover) from killing the antagonist and they both bust down this illegal activity and gang as well as getting the villain arrested and a jail life sentence.
Rosie is now a cop who believes that no one has the right to kill and is no longer a vigilante, but instead a cop who does her work correctly. Rosie, her child and her boyfriend now live together as a happy family.
Example of 2 of the Uses and Gratification used in The Redemption;
1.Surveillance and Informations-helping the audience to get knowledge about the world and how it works; gives audience information about how the police work, how courts work, how forensic science works. May give audience insight into criminal underworlds and places we don't normally go to-The Redemption shows an insight on the hardship of prostitute's lives (brothel) and the cruelty of criminals (murders and rapes).
2.Entertainment & Diversion-involving audience into solving crime; most of us are not involved in crimes or police work-it is almost like a brain-teaser and a form of escapism from our own lives. Crime dramas also offer action sequences like fights or car chases which are exciting and gripping.
Blocked Plan for Story Plot
The Transformation/The Converted? The Redemption(possible film names)
- Audiences view a place whilst camera moves around viewing a brothel, full of prostitutes and men (some are flirting and laughing together) and people are smoking, drinking and taking drugs.
- A prostitute is screaming for help and struggling.
- Rosie from her room, looks out of a window and holds her hand to her mouth and looks shocked at what is happening (although what has happened is not being revealed to the audience). She then starts to run out of her room in a hurry.
- Rosie (who is also a prostitute) witnesses the prostitute who had screamed to have been attacked (it is also revealed to the audience that she is Rose's best friend); she rans to help her; but is too late as her friend has already been raped and the attacker has left (realising his face from earlier on he was her first client).
- She tries to calm her friend and wraps a blanket around her
- After taking her friend to a room and comforting her (who is crying immensely she vows to take revenge on her friend's attacker and criminals that beat and take advantages of women. She also vows to take down the level of crime which see witnesses in her everyday life in the corrupt side of New York City.
- After her vicarious encounter, the scene moves to a different environment and a small caption comes up on the screen which informs the audience that it has been "5 years later, New York Police Station (setting)."
- As the caption is at the bottom of the screen, we see a a women's hand carrying coffee, whilst the camera walks with her around the police station, encountering cops and officers who say hello.
- Finally, she enters a police office workforce, where there is a man (head of chief) he tells her, there is drug activity going on in the underground alleyway.
- The women's face is revealed to the audience and we witness this character to be Rosie, replying back "Lets take them down"
- The several cops, including officer Rosie go in the alleyway, where action has started between the cops and druggies (who are shooting at each other and hiding behind vehicles for cover).
- Most of the criminals (druggies) get into a vehicle (whilst some are dead) and escape from the cops, whilst one criminals is caught and arrested.
- The criminal is taken into questioning/is interrogated and is forced to tell who is the drug ring leader
- Finally an image of this most wanted drug lord is printed onto a computer (matching the descriptions)
- Rosie realises that this drug ring leader is a big gangster who was the same person, who had victimised and raped her friend.
- She then realises that if she wants to catch this guy and get justice; she must go undercover as her life and her child's will be in danger.
- we see Rosie changing her identity; she cuts her hair, changes from her uniform to casual clothes, colours her hair and wears killer heels
- She then comes into the station and goes up to her office, where several cops are inserting hidden cameras under her and gives her instructions on how to go undercover.
- Rosie soon joins the drug ring and works her way up to the top; she act as an international criminal, who would like to invest with the main antagonist (Bessie's rapist).
- She also falls in love with one of the workers (Raphael) of the drug lord; she admits to him that she is undercover and he prepares to help her and turn away from the life of crime. However Rosie keeps her past hidden from him.
- When he finds out that she use to be a prostitute; at first he is angry with her but then later realises and forgives her (as she had forgiven him his past as a criminal).
- Rosie decides to take the path of a vigilante; she believes that vindictive criminals must face execution. She secretly decides to kill the drug lord (Bessie's rapist) and hides the fact that she will kill the antagonist, from the authorities.
- However Raphael makes her realise that if she kills the villain then she "will be just as bad as him." He stops Rosie from killing the villain; Raphael and Rosie work together to arrest the protagonist.
- Universal presents....
- Names of director, actors, scrip writers, designers and cinematographer pops up on the black blank screen (this goes on for 3 sec), then a fast paced music is played with police sirens being heard
- Two spots of blue and red light comes up on the black screen and grows bigger and multiplies into flashing search lights (representing police car's flash lights
- An animated police car is chasing another black car and the music and siren sound gets louder
- The scene then moves to a large animated police gun being shot (background is all black); once the gun is shot, red blood drops from the top and covers the whole black background (this symbolises Rosie as a vigilante, who decides that vindictive criminals should be killed instead of being arrested).
- The beginning of the film then starts...
A mother works as a prostitute in order to provide for her daughter which is the equilibrium. However, one night she finds out that her employer, a high rank Drug lord whom she hates, has sexually abused her friend (the disruption). This changes her opinion on being a prostitute and so she becomes determined to do something about it. She wants to change for herself and her child so quits her ‘job’ and is given a 'make-over' (recognition of the problem). She is out of favour with her fellow colleagues due to one of them previously cautioning her when she was a prostitute. But she works hard and gradually moves up the ranks to become a 'tough cop'. Once she has gained respect amongst her peers she goes undercover (her colleagues don’t know) to kill her ex-boss for revenge for what he did to her friend (repair) but she meets a guy along the way who happens to be working for the Drug lord himself. She falls in love with him and ends up convincing him to be good by telling him her friend's story (but she doesn't inform him of her past!). In return he manages to persuade her not to kill the Drug lord as then “she will be as bad as him”. So instead they team up and end up stopping the Drug lord and arresting all of his 'minions' (return to the equilibrium).
There where many films that had helped us to come up with The Redemption.
1. Punisher (2004)-this helped us to come up with that idea, that Rosie will get revenge the death of her friend and is going to turn into a `vigilante`
2. Resident Evil, Hanna, The Hunger Games-this inspired our group to make our protagonist a female and challenge the concept that violence/conflict is only a male activity.
3.Tomb Raider/Kill Bill; encouraged us to portray a strong, masculine and independent women
4.The Departed-inspired and persuaded me and my group, to come with a crime drama concept which revolves around a police officer who goes undercover (Rosie goes undercover in order to arrest the criminal/antagonist and to reveal the criminal activities).
Risk Assessment
Risk assessment (during filming)
Before filming the group had to take a lot of safety precautions:
ROSIE: Well you never know
BESSI: Yeah, never say never
They both start to laugh
BESSIE: I'm going to head of now and love you lots
Scene changes-Establishing shot of a toy store
Side shot of Rosie walking towards the toy store
Bessie picks up the phone
Bessie inserts her key into the key hole of the door
Rosie walks into the shot and sits down on the couch
Rosie’s child walks into the room to greet her mother and runs to hug her
Transition-train goes past
9 FRAME of The Redemption
Shot 1: Informs audience the time of when the crime took place
Shot 2: Shows Bessie walking on her own (with a use of eerie music) to create and build suspense and mystery (what will happen to Bessie?)
Shot 3: Shows Bessie being followed (Enigma-why is that man following Bessie?)
Shot 4: Bessie turns around (foreshadows Bessie's attack and murder)
Shot 5: Foreshadows antagonist
Shot 6: Antagonist runs after Bessie
Shot 7: Antagonist continues to chase Bessie
Shot 8: Displays the weapons; the knife (prop) used for Bessie's attack and misfortune
Shot 9: Close-up-shot of the antagonist; conveys the evil smirk on his face (shows that the villain has enjoyed in doing his crime).
Rosie as vigilante and inspirations of vigilantism
Spiderman- he is not part of the Manhattan police, yet takes the law into his own hands and wants to take revenge on his Uncle Ben's murder (which is one of the reason why he decides to make use of his power and protect citizens-"with great power comes great responsibility"). Likewise, our character `Rosie` wants to get revenge on Bessie's rapist/murder. Another inspiration of a film that inspired `The Redemption` was The Punisher; similarly he also becomes a vigilante due to the tragedy of his family's death, hence goes to avenge his family (similarly how Rosie wants to kill Bessie's rapist and murderer). Batman begins is another key inspiration batman loses his parents at a very young age (he blames the fear of bats for the death of his parent-so he fights a fear of bat and turns it into his strength to fight for justice (becomes a vigilante).
There where many films that had helped us to come up with The Redemption.
1. Punisher (2004)-this helped us to come up with that idea, that Rosie will get revenge the death of her friend and is going to turn into a `vigilante`
2. Resident Evil, Hanna, The Hunger Games-this inspired our group to make our protagonist a female and challenge the concept that violence/conflict is only a male activity.
3.Tomb Raider/Kill Bill; encouraged us to portray a strong, masculine and independent women
4.The Departed-inspired and persuaded me and my group, to come with a crime drama concept which revolves around a police officer who goes undercover (Rosie goes undercover in order to arrest the criminal/antagonist and to reveal the criminal activities).
Risk Assessment
There was a low likelihood that any risks will occur during filming.
After deliberating about which locations to shoot at we decided some roads behind the Exchange as this was not only, of convenience but there was some scenery that we wanted to include. During the road scene, we had to be extremely cautious with crossing the road whilst filming on different sides of the road as to avoid getting hit by cars but fortunately, the roads we chose to film on were not particularly busy and there was no issues arriving at the location. Other issues that may arise whilst filming was tricky weather conditions. To solve this dilemma we looked ahead at the weather forecast for the production days and this meant we could effectively chose our dates in relation to what the weather was going to be like and could prepare e.g. bring coats if it was really cold. Another issue was transport but since we all lived near the location we could arrive to and fro set safely.
Risk assessment (during filming)
Before filming the group had to take a lot of safety precautions:
- We need to be careful whilst crossing the road-we might get run over if we don't look and cross while filming
- Inform responsible adults (e.g. parents) where we are going and what time will we return home; so that they are ensured where we are or might be if we are arriving home late or if we get lost
- Wear visible clothes (bright clothing e.g. yellow)
- Have a mobile; to contact our guardian or police if we are lost or in danger
- If filming at night: we must not go after 12:00 am
- If we do however film in the night; to get a responsible adult or our parents to pick us up and drop each of us home
- When we decides to return home; we must email or phone each other to find out whether everyone has returned home safely
ROSIE: Hey Bessie how are you
They hug
BESSIE: Hope the clients didn't miss behave with you and how is the business going on?
They hug
BESSIE: Hope the clients didn't miss behave with you and how is the business going on?
ROSIE: Well, business is going fine! But you can never know the dogs that will come here until they're here. Suppose that’s why our business lasts, because of these dogs.
BESSIE: So how’s Rachel?
ROSIE: She’s fine thanks-she hates it when I come home late
BESSIE: Well, read her a story at night, give her a cosy kiss and a hug and tell her you love no matter whatBESSIE: So how’s Rachel?
ROSIE: She’s fine thanks-she hates it when I come home late
ROSIE: So have you found anyone yet
BESSI: Not really, people like me can never get a knight in shining armour to take us away from our misery. It’s just a fantasy.ROSIE: Well you never know
BESSI: Yeah, never say never
They both start to laugh
BESSIE: I'm going to head of now and love you lots
ROSIE: Buy and love you lots too honey
They both hug each other (still laughing)
Once Bessie turns away, Rosie's laughing expression changes to sadness
Side shot of Rosie walking down a street
Shot of an alleyway this is very dark and gloomy
Outline of a figure which mysteriously appears in the alley
Bessie walks past the alley
Man emerges from the alley and starts to follow BessieScene changes-Establishing shot of a toy store
Side shot of Rosie walking towards the toy store
Shot of a `sale` poster that’s on the wall of the toy store
Rosie reading the poster
Rosie sees a family walking on who all seem very happy. The child’s parents buy him toys
High angle shot of Rosie crying
Rosie then puts her hand in her pocket in search of money (she wishes she could buy her daughter a toy as well)
Close up shot of her hand which contains only a crumpled old tissue and two pence
Rosie walks away
Transition (to show a police car driving by)Bessie picks up the phone
BESSIE: Rosie I am really scared!
Rosie sits down on a bench
BESSIE: I think I am being followed, I am really scared, what should I do?
ROSIE (SPEAKING THROUGH THE PHONE): You run as fast as you can and try to get home. And remember to lock the doors behind you as soon as possible. Stay safe and don’t worry (Rosie speaks stressfully and in a worried, panicking tone)
A close-up-shot is used to show Bessie’s worried facial expression and her panicking via the use of her body language: she is breathing hard and her whole body is shaking.
Medium shot of Bessie being followed (a figure/man is following her from the back while she continues to walk fast and tries not to look back)
Point of view shot from Bessie’s perspective
Side shot of Bessie quickening her pace at a further speed
Bessie reaches her home
Close up of Bessie’s hand as she reaches for her keyBessie inserts her key into the key hole of the door
Bessie reaches her home and walks through the door (she forgets to lock and close the door behind
We see the follower approaching her and her home
Still shot of a foot standing in the door (preventing it from closing)
Transition-two Hooded youths sitting on a wall
Shot of Rosie walking to her home and walks towards her front door
She then approaches and walks through the door
Door closes
Close-up shot of her dressing table-cigarettes, toys, needles, tissues and packets (zoomed in shot)
Shot zooms out from dressing table and views her room, especially her couch (where she is going to sit)Rosie walks into the shot and sits down on the couch
Rosie’s child walks into the room to greet her mother and runs to hug her
Transition-train goes past
The man approaches Bessie and is carrying a knife. The screen goes back and all the audience hears next is a loud, struggling scream (implying her rape)TITLE SCREEN…….
Final Script (screenplay format)
A bench in a spacious park. The area is behind a building and next to some parked cars.
ROSIE sits on the bench passing away time; her face appears to be ‘blank’ but she is in fact, in deep thought.
BESSIE comes over towards Rosie and they hug in greeting.
Hey BESSIE, how are you?
I'm good, hope you haven’t been getting any dodgy clients
Well, business is business.
You never what kinds of dodgy scum are going to turn up, but as long as we get business…?
How’s Rachel?
Yeah Rachel is fine, I just hate leaving her at home…
Anyway, how’s the romantic search going?
Well, people like me can never get a decent guy; it’s all just a myth.
Well, you have to keep trying
Yeah, never say never
They both start to laugh, but Rosie, half-heartedly
You want to check out that new club?
Nope, I think I’m going to hang out here a little while…
I have a client to deal with.
You’re such a party pooper! I’m heading home, see you later
They exchange goodbyes, once Bessie leaves, Rosie’s expression turns sad.
BESSIE has been walking home but feels paranoid that someone is watching her.
Meanwhile, ROSIE is still at the park.
Hey Rosie, just calling to check up on you, are you finished?
Yeah I’m fine, what’s up?
I’m just a little freaked out. I think someone’s following me
Your so paranoid, just go home and you’ll be fine… it’s all in your head.
Yeah you’re right; okay I’ll see you tomorrow then, bye
Bessie hangs up the phone and looks behind her, POV shot, then shakes her head
A masked man lunges at Bessie and covers her mouth. She tries to get out of his grip but struggles.
I know who you are!
Shut your mouth!
He brings out something shiny and sharp.
· EXTREME close up shot of Rosie's eyes
· Camera zooms out (so we can see more of her face) as her
eyes well up
· Close up shot of her hands wiping away her tears
· Group shot of Rosie with her friend Bessie laughing
· Medium shot to show that once Bessie turns away, her
expression becomes sad
· Group shot to show Bessie saying goodbye
· Establishing shot of dark alleyway
· Side shot of Bessie walking down the street
· Cut to the outline of figure appearing in the alleyway
· Side shot of Bessie walking by with her earphones in
· Medium shot of the figure emerging from the alleyway and
following her
· Establishing shot of toy store
· Side shot of Rosie walking towards a poster in the shop
· Close up shot of the poster advertising a sale
· Medium shot of Rosie standing next to the poster
· POV shot of Rosie seeing a family (mother, father, child)
· High angle shot of Rosie starting to tear up again
· Medium shot of Rosie reaching into her pocket
· Close up shot of Rosie's hand with not much money in it
· Medium shot of Rosie turning away and walking off
· Shot of a police car going by
· Split screen between Rosie and Bessie during phone
· Medium shot of Bessie walking down the street
· POV shot as she looks behind her
· Side shot of Bessie walking faster
· POV shot of a house door
· Close up shot of keys in her hand
· Another close up shot of keys opening the door
· Medium shot of Bessie entering (match-on-action)
· Camera zooms out to see a man lurking behind
· Close up shot of the door unlocked
· Transition of youths on the street
· Side shot of Rosie walking towards a house door
· Rosie enters the door (match-on-action)
· Bird's eye shot of toys left messily on a wooden table
· Master shot of living room with table and sofa
· Medium shot as Rosie slumps on sofa
This is my individual edit for the title sequence of my movie THE REDEMPTION. This title sequence was shown to a variety of audiences; I received positive feedbacks as well as feedbacks for improvements.
We decided to change our film from being an American film to a British Film. This means that Rosie trains to be a police officer in London, England (she is not a cop in New York); location has changed from New York, America to London, England.
We decided to change our film from being an American film to a British Film. This means that Rosie trains to be a police officer in London, England (she is not a cop in New York); location has changed from New York, America to London, England.
1). Use of motive created a dramatic and exciting effect; motives was used every time the antagonist came up in the screen (the guy who was following Bessie). Also the motive helped the audience to foreshadow that something bad was going to happen e.g. like the use of motive in the film Jaws-every time the shark is near by/will attack, the motive is introduced.The motive also helped the audience realise that this character is wary and mysterious and hence he is going to do something to Bessie (good narrative).
2). The title sequence was in chronological order-it went from being daylight to night time.
3). The beginning had a powerful shot; Rosie was crying-there were uses of extreme close up shot as well as the use of dramatic and orchestrating, loud music.
4). Use of nice continuity shot when Rose enters her home
1). The title sequence had no film title or opening credits e.g. name of director, production company, actors, producers, film studio/film corporation.
2). The title sequence was far to long and dragged in the middle; shows the stages of Rosie's every move such as walking in the road,then going to the front door, then opening the door with the house key. Then walking into the hallway, then opens the living room door, then shits down on the sofa).
3). Few jump cuts (when location changed and during Bessie and Rosie's conversation)
4). Too much music-makes the title sequence sound unprofessional and not very professional; music is continuously used throughout the sequence e.g. from the beginning of the sequence, to when Rosie looks at her daughter's photo and when Bessie gets stabbed.
9 FRAME of The Redemption
Shot 1: Informs audience the time of when the crime took place
Shot 2: Shows Bessie walking on her own (with a use of eerie music) to create and build suspense and mystery (what will happen to Bessie?)
Shot 3: Shows Bessie being followed (Enigma-why is that man following Bessie?)
Shot 4: Bessie turns around (foreshadows Bessie's attack and murder)
Shot 5: Foreshadows antagonist
Shot 6: Antagonist runs after Bessie
Shot 7: Antagonist continues to chase Bessie
Shot 8: Displays the weapons; the knife (prop) used for Bessie's attack and misfortune
Shot 9: Close-up-shot of the antagonist; conveys the evil smirk on his face (shows that the villain has enjoyed in doing his crime).
I showed this final edit to a group of crime drama audiences (people whose one favourite genre is crime drama) and told them to give me feedbacks on the improvements made compared to the first edit and whether this title sequence would encourage and persuade them to go and watch this film in the cinema (trial show-showing the first few minutes/title sequence, to see whether it would be successful with audiences or not and whether they would want to watch it or not).
*The final edit has less music and sound effect-its sounds more professional
*The title sequence has been shortened than the initial edit-it does not drag on and is short and snappy
*The sequence looks like a real professional title sequence-there is good use of music, editing, a range of camera work and flash backs
*I like how the sequence starts off with showing flashbacks of Bessie being attacked and showing the time slots of what happened on that day. These things makes the sequence seem like a real crime drama film; most crime drama films and programmes starts of with showing the crime e.g. CSI, The Hollywood Mom's Mystery and Midsummer murder.
*Yes-this is because I find the title sequence, to be very catchy and engaging; the flash backs and showing of what happened during different times, looks professionally and seem like a real crime drama title sequence.
*The beginning has a crime drama sequence layout-this will encourage crime drama audiences to go onto watch this film in the cinema.
*The sequence is attention grabbing and makes the audience wanting to continue to watch the movie further on; I especially want to watch it because of the enigmas; Why Bessie was attacked? Why did that man attack Bessie/does Bessie know this man? What specific reason did Bessie & Rosie fight over? What will be Rosie's reaction when she finds about her friend's misfortune? Will Rosie fill guilty for being angry at her friend/will she ever forgive herself for leaving her friend and not walk with her?
*I like how the sequence starts off with showing flashbacks of Bessie being attacked and showing the time slots of what happened on that day. These things makes the sequence seem like a real crime drama film; most crime drama films and programmes starts of with showing the crime e.g. CSI, The Hollywood Mom's Mystery and Midsummer murder.
*Yes-this is because I find the title sequence, to be very catchy and engaging; the flash backs and showing of what happened during different times, looks professionally and seem like a real crime drama title sequence.
*The beginning has a crime drama sequence layout-this will encourage crime drama audiences to go onto watch this film in the cinema.
*The sequence is attention grabbing and makes the audience wanting to continue to watch the movie further on; I especially want to watch it because of the enigmas; Why Bessie was attacked? Why did that man attack Bessie/does Bessie know this man? What specific reason did Bessie & Rosie fight over? What will be Rosie's reaction when she finds about her friend's misfortune? Will Rosie fill guilty for being angry at her friend/will she ever forgive herself for leaving her friend and not walk with her?
Rosie as vigilante and inspirations of vigilantism
Spiderman- he is not part of the Manhattan police, yet takes the law into his own hands and wants to take revenge on his Uncle Ben's murder (which is one of the reason why he decides to make use of his power and protect citizens-"with great power comes great responsibility"). Likewise, our character `Rosie` wants to get revenge on Bessie's rapist/murder. Another inspiration of a film that inspired `The Redemption` was The Punisher; similarly he also becomes a vigilante due to the tragedy of his family's death, hence goes to avenge his family (similarly how Rosie wants to kill Bessie's rapist and murderer). Batman begins is another key inspiration batman loses his parents at a very young age (he blames the fear of bats for the death of his parent-so he fights a fear of bat and turns it into his strength to fight for justice (becomes a vigilante).
We used Adobe Photoshop CS3 to create this `TOY R US` poster. This prop was used to convey the idea that Rosie, is financially weak, penniless and broke; Rosie desired to buy her daughter a toy from the toy store, but she is unable, (despite the `50% off` sale) as she cannot afford it.
Mise-en-scene checklist
1. Knife (scene with the knife would be shot at home rather than on the street due to safety reasons)
2.`Toys R Us` poster
3.Toys and wrappers (scattered all over Rosie's house in the final scene to show her kind of living environment
4.Photo of Rosie's daughter
1.Rosie clothes reinforces a prostitute; she is wearing shoes with high heels and skin tight leggings- usually associated with a prostitutes and represents the fashion styles of a prostitute
2. Bessie's rapist/murderer costume reinforces a criminal; a hooded man- usually associated with thugs/criminals.
3. Bessie clothes challenged a prostitute's typical sense of fashion; she is wearing a casual coat and a woolly hat and scarf-this clothe sense is usually associated with people with `ordinary jobs` and ordinary lives (not poor-Bessie is broke and financially unsupported hence is forced into prostitution to provide financial support/not rich)
1. We had some trouble with lighting in the final house scene; the difference between having the lights on and off was very big which led us being unsure as to which to choose. In the end, we choose to keep the lights on to signify that the scene happened later in the day (after the conversation between Bessie and Rosie) at a time when curtains would be closed and the lights would be on.
2. We also had trouble with the first scene (the footage that came before the title appeared) as we found it hard to film in the extremely small twilight period; if it was too bright, it wouldn't signify that the scene happened in the evening, however, if it was too dark our cameras wouldn't be able to pick up the action (a problem which led to the final scene in our 'first edit' being extremely dark). We soon settled on a period that was fairly bright and then edited it in Final Cut to make it seem like it happened in the evening (helped by the 'desaturation' tool)
Editing process-Font Choice
We chose the font 'courier' for our credits/titles in the title sequence. Even though the font is usually regarded as not being aesthetically pleasing; we chose it, so that it can be associated with the crime-drama genre e.g. police reports, usually use the 'courier' font due to it being the font used by typewriters. This links to our film having traits from the 'film-noir' genre as they usually took place before the '50s when 'courier' was a common font. We felt that our choice of font was fundamental in constructing subtle ideas and sending them to the audience.
Editing Process Decisions-Desaturation
We chose to desaturate the first scene (which basically means to turn all colour into grayscale); this was done (the editing suite) so that the audience are better able to distinguish the scenes from one another. By removing colour from this scene (the scene where Bessie is stabbed by the unnamed criminal), the audience will be able to remember the event. We wanted to create an importance of the scene where Bessie is stabbed; to connotate that the scene is so significant to the plot. We did this on Final Cut Pro by going to Video Filters and then Desaturation, we then copied and pasted this filter onto all shots up until 'The Redemption' appeared on screen.
Inspiration for the use of desaturation came from the film 'Memento.' In the film, the scenes in grayscale are chronologically in order whilst the scenes in colour go backwards. In our title sequence we deliberately made sure that, the first scene takes places after the final scenes; showing a lack of chronology.We did this because it made for a more interesting viewing for audience as they know different events contributed to Bessie being stabbed. This is fits in with the liberal arthouse type of film (which we are aiming for), this is because liberal arthouse viewer enjoy cinema that 'pushes boundaries' and doesn't follow the same conventions, non-linear story lines would fit into the 'pushing boundaries' ethos as it is only incorporated by a few films. It is also fairly demanding of the audience as they're asked to recall events and piece together the chronology in their minds rather than having easily digestible content being given to them, this is another preference of liberal arthouse viewers; content that requires intellect and is thought provoking.
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